Kamis, 04 Februari 2010


What the teacher is, is more important than what he teaches.
~Karl Menninger

Glancing into my world, the observant sees...
Students seeking guidance
A sea of eyes filled with determination, defiance, and delight
Rooms filled with distinct personalities begging to be noticed
Adolescents bombarded with issues searching for approval
Bright minds daring me to challenge them
I accept...
I am a teacher
Drifting through the halls, the intent listener will hear...
Students voicing opinions, learning how to support them
The creaking of minds opening to new concepts
Ideas being absorbed within the walls of the classroom
Discussions full of insightful comments, shouts of celebration for a job well done
The tones of
student voices noting signs of frustration or joy
I listen...
I am a teacher
Gurgling inspiration runs deep, I feel...
The uncertainty of students venturing into adulthood
A passion for teaching each morning as I step before my audience
An impression that I can make a difference one baby step at a time
As if I can never obtain enough knowledge, I must keep learning
Anguish, sometimes caring more than a heart can bear
I have faith...
I am a teacher (Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teacher Tales)